SOMA Stories
Intercession Coordinator: Rev Jon Evans
We are thrilled to announce Jon Evans as our new Intercession coordinator.
New Year, New Opportunities
A delight to start the year with a room full of young ministers passionate about God, the Bible and Global Mission.
New Bishops for the Church of England
Congratulations to our Patron and to two other new Bishops linked to SOMA.
A wonderful year… SHARING out now
Could you go on mission? How to meet up with SOMA this year… how to book a speaker for your church, event… inspiration from META Youth… read all this and more in the latest edition of SHARING
Trustees meet sparks faith journey
Trustees find inspiration from God’s work in and through SOMA as they meet in London for their annual one day meeting.
“The Holy Spirit Turned Out to be the Answer”
Jonathan wasn’t sure what he had to offer on a SOMA mission team, but as a pilot was keen to see the MAF flights in action… he followed the prompt of God and had the experience of a life time.
Reports from Mission to South Sudan
Hear from delegates and senior team what the SOMA UK mission to South Sudan meant to young people and clergy in Eastern Equatoria
Should I join a team?
…I have never given a sermon/teaching and have not been to Bible college. My Christian CV is decidedly low key…At the outset, I took a step of faith, secured the time off work and paid for my trip in the manner of sacrificial giving. But I returned from the trip having had an unforgettable time with God, my co-workers and the South Sudanese people. I came home much richer than I left.
Archbishop calls youth to share ministry abroad.
SOMA in South Sudan, as God stirs the hearts of young people to pursue him in calling and character.
South Sudan - Character
Youth Mission begins in South Sudan with emphasis on developing Spirit-filled character for leadership
Team prepare for South Sudan
The next leg of our South Sudan Internal Province Youth Missions begins soon, with a focus on Central and Eastern Equatoria.
Last Year on META Youth
Watch a short video with some of the action photos from this summer’s youth conference and mission in Rwanda.
Watch Rt Revd Moses Masamba Nthukah and Most Rev. Dr. Jackson Nasoore Ole Sapit describe the fruit of the recent SOMA teaching in Kenya and how they have responded to launch SOMA Kenya as a result.
Huge fruit from Kenya ministry
Ministers told us of a strong dependency on witchcraft in the community that strongly affects the church, Henry Blair and Andrew Allan-Johns report from Kenya
Kenya Month?
Mike Tufnell is returning from a Parish visit to Red Tribe Kenya, just as the large scale SOMA International team get ready to set out for Kenya... and a META Youth participant is following close behind for a follow up...
“The best two weeks of my life!”
Watch Micah and Matthew share about their experience on a META Youth Mission...
‘No (revival) tent without the graves’
Sometimes you are not sure why God moves in one particular place at one time, other times there are some clear clues... inspirational story from +Richard Jackson