We are now recruiting for our 2024-2025 cohort of META Youth. >> Join us on what will be your most exciting year with God so far.
We are now recruiting for our 2024-2025 cohort of META Youth. >> Join us on what will be your most exciting year with God so far.
META Youth (16-19s)
Old meaning of meta = to go beyond (greek) - change/transformation - metamorphosis.
Digital word that describes your comment on your own story.
A one-year transformational leadership programme for young people aged 16-19 years.
META Youth is for…
Christians wanting to strengthen their faith and would like to…
Develop leadership skills for life, especially for leading and working with others
Grow their self awareness and understand themselves better to help them decide on their future career path / Uni choices / courses of study
Know Jesus better and discover their unique gifts and calling in life
Make a difference in the world
Understand the Bible better & how to make big life decisions wisely
Build confidence in who they are and discover their true potential
Experience the power of God by the work of His Holy Spirit
Meet some amazing people and join a friendly, inclusive and exciting community of young leaders from around the world
Have the opportunity to travel abroad to serve on a mission trip serving less affluent communities in the world (Optional)
Have fun and make some great friends!
The commitment…
META Youth is designed to run alongside your GCSEs/A levels/Uni/Job/course of study.
META Youth requires:
Watching a weekly 20 minute video of content (example)
Attending a 1 hour online coaching clinic to process our learning together.
There are optional in-person gatherings twice in the year, a celebration BBQ at the end of the year and a week/10 day long mission trip abroad.
There is optional homework to enhance learning.
You will receive a certificate at the end of the year for your CV.
The termly cost for META Youth is £120.
For the full year it is £360 (not including Summer mission trip).
If these costs are too much for you, please let us know as we don't want money to ever be a barrier to young people attending the programme.
How to apply…
Please email stu@somauk.org to express an interest.
An application form will be sent to you.
You will then be invited to a 30 minute interview with members of the META Youth team.
“Participating in META has been one of the most beneficial decisions I have made for my faith and leadership. My understanding of God has developed, and my relationship with Jesus has grown deeper and deeper.”
Support META Youth…
Giving financially to META Youth will enable those young people to participate in the programme who would otherwise be unable to afford to do so without additional support.
META Youth 2024-2025
A year like no other…
Imagine you could accelerate your Christian life while you work or study.
Imagine META.
The third cohort of META Youth will operate online on Zoom, and will culminate in a SOMA Mission in the Summer of 2025.
Keep scrolling to see some photos from previous missions and read more about the 2023-2024 cohort to get a flavour of what you can look forward to.
META Youth is a wonderfully exciting project.
With young people from seven different countries, they are united in their desire to deepen their faith and know Jesus. It has been so encouraging to watch them grow and learn together. We have some who are very new to faith, who have journeyed with us and come to understand Christianity as something so much more than a religion – they have learned it is a relationship with God, through Jesus, and we are strengthened and helped by the Holy Spirit.
The buddy system has meant they are able to connect with another young person on the course and encourage one another, and each week they watch a video which we then process at the coaching clinics. Being able to celebrate our learning, ask questions, delve into some of the more complex nuances of the Bible is a true gift and this is not lost on the young people, many of whom are from or in countries where Christianity is ignored, illegal or in the minority; they bring such strength of character and this is a wonderful example to the rest of the group.
Working towards the mission project has been an excellent focus for them as they flex their leadership muscles; each person is responsible for raising the funds and they have been creative and entrepreneurial in how they have done this so far and they are excited to travel this summer and see how God is working in the lives of others. Ultimately, these young people are learning to develop and live out their faith in a world that is increasingly hostile towards Christianity. The impact will be huge!
META Youth 2023-2024 overview.
META Youth team blessed and being a blessing in Lebanon with Syrian and Lebanese Children and Youth People, Summer 2024.
META Youth in Rwanda, Summer 2024.
2024 mission team meet with 2 experienced travellers to Rwanda for pre-mission briefing.