Worldwide family
SOMA is Anglican focused, so sends out teams mainly in response to the invitation of Anglican Bishops and Archbishops. SOMA does not have a set programme or a product. For each Mission we build a unique programme to address current issues identified by the inviting Bishop that are faced by the Diocese and delegates. As the Mission progresses, we adapt the programme to further issues revealed by the Holy Spirit through intercessors, delegates and the team.
SOMA’s call and ministry is to encourage, equip, enable, envision and empower leaders for their Mission and ministry by the power of the Holy Spirit. These include ordained and lay leaders, clergy, women’s leaders, youth leaders, congregation leaders, evangelists, catechists, wardens and readers. This we achieve through Intercession and by sending and receiving short-term, cross-cultural Mission Teams.
To issue an invitation to SOMA, to find out more or discuss your requirements, contact our National Director via
Receiving a SOMA Team – What’s it like?
SOMA teams come at the invitation of a local Anglican Bishop for anything from 10 days to several weeks. Teams include experienced and current church leaders and a mix of lay and ordained team members who can teach, preach and pray with leaders and congregants. Our teams are often drawn from more than one nation.
Each mission looks different and is tailored to the needs of the individual diocese or parish, we build a unique programme to address current issues identified by the inviting Bishop that are faced by the Diocese and delegates. The content usually includes renewal teaching and ministry and as the Mission progresses there is room for the programme to be adapted as led by the Holy Spirit through intercessors, delegates and the team.
To issue an invitation to SOMA, to find out more or discuss your requirements, contact our National Director via
“I appreciated all the teaching, summed up by the love the team has for us – they have come far to share – the most important thing is to encourage this love to continue.”
“This is true partnership.”
“The knowledge the team shared had empowered the Church to transform the society in South Sudan and to extend the gospel to those who have not heard it.”
“Your coming has strengthened the Christians to live their faith at this critical time. Thank you.”
“This comes with my special gratitude and appreciation to you for sending a team. We were blessed indeed by the SOMA team’s ministry and much impact was made amongst our clergy, who were empowered and refreshed to continue ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit. May God bless you.”
“You coming here gave me hope. ”
“The seed you planted, it will grow and bear much fruit. Your preparation was marvellous. What I’m sure of is that God spoke to us. To God be the glory.”
“SOMA is unique. What has struck me is your humility and respect.”
“I got a new thing in my heart yesterday, I repent of my sins, the talk really touched me, I kept problems on my heart though I pretended to be good I did not forgive. But I sincerely repented and prayed to God for a spirit of forgiveness. When I was asleep Angels came to me and we were rejoicing and praising God together all night for the sin I repented of. I’ve been forgiven.”
“Your coming has made a big impact. We will never be the same.”
The answer to prayer walked in
The Holy Spirit had been stirring the delegates about the challenge of the absence in their churches of the majority local tribe, Toposa. The previous day the Team had received a text/SMS from the Intercessors in the UK, just one word ‘repent’. So, that morning the Team taught from the Word on repentance and the healing of communities. The delegates responded in identifying the sin, progressing to a time of heartfelt confession and repentance. The Lord followed this with a dramatic sign – the arrival of a Toposa woman. She walked straight to the front row and sat down. Asked to explain, she said: “My name is Suzana. This is a place of God. I am a worshipper of God, I heard that there is worship here, that you have guests, and so I came to worship with the girls'. I am Toposa.”
“‘I have told the people to stop stealing cattle and worship God. I want to build a church in my community. I will not leave God, I always pray to God, now I am happy, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”