SOMA Stories
Shifts at SOMA UK
All change, as Grace and Anita step out of their SOMA roles to take up in-person jobs closer to home, and Henry is released by SOMA Ireland to focus on developing SOMA there.
META Youth return home
META Youth have returned home from their trip to Rwanda, and they are in awe at how God has used them.
META Youth off to Rwanda
This summer SOMA UK are sending a team of 31 to Shyogwe Diocese in Rwanda to deliver a youth conference, serve the local church, continue in their own training on the META Youth programme and bring back olive branches of hope from their experiences of the vibrant churhces in Rwanda right around the world.
The SOMA Community of Prayer
Prayer is the foundation of everything we do at SOMA; it gives us an avenue to praise God for his provision, ask Him to meet our needs, and find peace in unsettled times…
The benefits of mission
Hurdles in the run up to and during mission trips are not uncommon, but the benefits far outweigh them… have you thought about how going on mission could benefit you?
Trustee Meeting highlights direction and hope for SOMA UK
A faith-filled trustee meeting focused on prayer, young people and developing learning cohorts for mission.
Podcasting Trustee helps get SOMA Community of Prayer online
A new innovation for SOMA UK came out of the trustees meeting, thanks to the expertise of one of our newest members.
Wonderful response to May/June Appeal - Thank you God.
We’ve checked the accounts and have some wonderful news to share…
META Youth Graduate as England Win Penalties
Wonderful stories of faith at our META youth gathering and on our TV screens. God is working in this rising generation.
Tremendous encouragments from building relationships around the Anglican world this week, with people from America, Australia, Bolivia, Burundi, Chile, China and almost every letter of the alphabet! Praise God for all he is doing in some highly complex cicumstances.
Kenya and Egypt
SOMA teams are in Kenya and Egypt at the moment at two conferences and networking opportunities, both of which will have a substantial impact on the mission and ministry of the Anglican World.
Tanzania mission - amazing blessings
Reports of over 1000 healings and 1500 prophetic encouragements are coming in from the SOMA International mission in Tanzania
Tanzania: Much fruit from mission so far
Wonderful stories emerging during the SOMA mission in Tanzania… read a few of the early highlights here. .
A buzz in Bradford
There is a buzz in Bradford as SOMA partner with three churches, St John’s, St Columba’s, and St Wilfrid’s to take the Good News to the people of the city.