META Youth return home

META Youth have returned home after a wonderful time on mission in Rwanda.

The young people led a youth conference for a group of Rwandans, and every attendee was prayed for at least once. Some had deep repentance, some received healing, others received spiritual gifts. The META young people ministered to them all, and we’re full of joy to see how God has graciously used them. Stepping further into the wonderful gifts that God has given them, META Youth got involved in leading worship, sharing testimonies, and even giving talks. But just as with SOMA missions, the youth gained more from being there than they gave away; they learnt so much from the Rwandans, and now have their own olive branches of hope to bring back from their time spent with a different part of the global church than ours.

The feedback from the conference has been amazing, and Stu Wright, leader of META Youth, says: 

“We feel our coming has been significant, we have invested in these amazing young Rwandans and there were many tears as we said goodbye. We are tired but full of thanks and praise to God for His kindness to us and for using us. Praise the Lord!

Please also pray for the local Rwandan young people to be encouraged and for God to lead each one in following Him. Please pray for the church in Rwanda as many churches have been shut by the government. Pray they can improve building standards quickly and reopen swifty. Pray for our META young people to live out what they have learned on this trip.”

Do you know someone who would like to take part in META 2024/25? Find out all you need to know here.


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META Youth off to Rwanda