The benefits of mission

Hurdles in the run-up to, or during, a mission are not uncommon; whether it’s issues with health, accommodation, travel, or otherwise, the usual hiccups that anyone can experience don’t stop just because it’s a mission trip.

Even deeper than that, we have to remember that there is a spiritual war going on, and as we press forward taking the Gospel and equipping brothers and sisters globally to live out their faith, the enemy will try to disrupt.

However, sometimes there are hurdles even before a mission trip has been planned, and before a team has been gathered; the hurdles that stop someone from signing up to a team in the first place. There can be quite a long list of things - perceived lack of finance or time, fear of the unknown, lack of self-confidence, uncertainty of what to expect, or perhaps doubts concerning the effectiveness of mission in the present day.

Every single person who has been on a SOMA mission will have faced at least one of these hurdles before signing up, but ultimately chose to move past them. The result? Being part of a Holy Spirit-led trip, gaining a better understanding of the global church, and returning full of faith and testimonies.

The benefits of mission far outweigh the barriers to it, but more than that, the barriers are human-sized problems, to which there are God-given solutions. SOMA is an organisation driven by prayer, by working in partnership with God, and so over and over again we have seen God provide. Where there is lack, God gives in abundance, where there is fear, God gives peace - if you are doubting yourself or modern-day mission, let us encourage you with testimonies of how God uses everyone, and stories of people coming to faith - there are plenty on our website.

If you are confused about any of the practicalities of going on mission, or you simply cannot imagine what it would be like, please talk to us or visit our FAQs page. SOMA is here to enable the connection of the global church through people like you going on mission, and to help to prepare all team members well beforehand.

Going on missions is a trust fall with a guaranteed safe landing - send us an email at if you’re ready to give it a go. The latest opportunities can be found here.


A SOMA Wedding


Trustee Meeting highlights direction and hope for SOMA UK