Tanzania: Much fruit from mission so far

The SOMA International team in Tanzania have been teaching core SOMA material across 4 dioceses this week: Early reports are very encouraging…

“Busy morning for Ruaha Diocesan team, Joshua preached at two services in the cathedral, John had one service at St. Peter’s church with a full church and a good response. While I travelled out of Iringa into the rural part and off the tarmac roads. First service was a church plant of 5 years and a congregation of 70 and after preaching for 45 minutes I prayed for healing for around 20 people. Then we went further up the road in the dust to a new church plant that had around 15 people. We scaled back the service and after the sermon I prayed for 6 people, 2 healings, 4 deliverance prayers and one new commitment as a result of the deliverance. So a good morning. The second service church was like a garden shed for us and was hot. We give thanks for all that God is doing and we pray for those who received a touch from God this morning. “ Henry

“We began the day learning about how to give a prophetic word. The deanery representatives were quite confident and so moved into sharing a word in pairs easily. Then we moved to learn how to pray for the sick the Anglican way, using the gifts of the Spirit. We then applied what we learnt and many received healing from pains and ailments. Bwana Yesu asifiwe (Praise the Lord Jesus).” Mel

“There were 50 in attendance and the sessions and being filled with a spirit and healing were incredible. I’ve never seen anything like it. God is good! We are excited for tomorrow and I think will do better now.” Will

“We concluded the teaching this afternoon. Forgiveness and healing were powerful. All advanced in tongues, but prophesy was their favorite.” Andrew

Join us on a future SOMA UK mission - view all upcoming here.


Tanzania mission - amazing blessings


SHARING May 2024