Richard’s April visit to Jordan

At the invitation of the Archbishop of Jerusalem, the Most Rev’d Dr. Hosam Elias Naoum, SOMA UK national director Richard Moy recently met with Joel Kelling in Amman, Jordan. Joel works with the Anglican Alliance (a development, relief and advocacy agency set up at the 2008 Lambeth Conference) and as a CMS partner based in the Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Richard’s trip took place during Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, and gave him a chance to meet with local believers as well as have some time off with his family.

The trip began with visiting a local believer who had come to faith in Jesus through a series of dreams of Jesus. It concluded with hearing from Joel about the strength and needs of the church in Jordan. A family tour of the country also gave an opportunity to visit key bible lands sites (e.g. the Baptismal Site at the river Jordan, a town in the Decapolis and Mount Nebo). Richard has recorded a series of short videos on location with insights from archeological finds and locations.

You can listen to Joel’s perspective here on the church in the Middle East, the opportunities and pressures and what Western (and other) Churches can learn from the believers in this Muslim majority nation.

For other insights and videos follow these links:

Richard speaking to Joel, from the Anglican Alliance.

Here is a video of Richard reciting the Lord’s Prayer at Mount Nebo, where God granted Moses a view of the Holy Land before his death.

For more videos from Richard’s trip please check out our Instagram.


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