Return to our roots (Book review)
I have been reading the memoir of former SOMA USA Chair Richard Hines, who dedicates his final section of the book to Sharing of Ministry Abroad (and Return).
It reminds me of how good it is to remember our story. So much of the Hebrew Scriptures are encouraging the people of God to remember God's mighty acts in history or to remember his words given at a particular point in history (especially Moses on Sinai, and the promises to Abraham).
We in SOMA have many wonderful stories to tell and retell, and words to go back to.
One in particular word struck me as I read today. It comes from a meeting Richard Hines was at with Michael Harper (the founder of SOMA).
Looking out of the window he saw a variety of trees. Some in leaf, some dormant for the winter and some dead. The first two trees represent churches that can welcome the ministry of SOMA. Evergreens always ready for the adventure of living life in the Spirit, and seasonal trees that will come alive again when the next Spring season comes (eg when a mission team visits). But there are other trees he discerned that are 'indeed dead'. 'Those are churches that will not or cannot respond to God's call and they will cease to be.'
He tells of SOMA missions to the West from 1995 onwards, where Spirit-filled teams of people from the Global South came to the USA and UK to join SOMA conferences and then take their fire to the parishes linked to SOMA. And some of the history of how SOMA worked together as SOMA International with a common purpose and goal. But also highlights the impact of the dead trees on the global church and the disruption this has caused to shared mission.
All in all a fascinating and personal account from someone who found that the Lord disturbed his early retirement plans and gave him a purpose in mission with SOMA USA and then as Secretary for SOMA International. Lots for us to ponder on as we continue to navigate working together around the world in an imperfect forest.