Kenya and Egypt

SOMA Teams are currently visiting Kenya and Egypt to attend international conferences and network with an array of clergy, bishops and archbishops.

In Kenya Henry reports that: “800 people are registered for the conference. The conference is off to a good start, good content from the speakers and some interesting thoughts to process. Also some good conversations with the delegates. Many more conversations to be had. Pray for stamina for the conference as each day is 12 hours of teaching.”

Pray for the conference this week, for opportunities to connect with people in meaningful ways and see what God has for Soma in this time.

In Cairo: The Global South Fellowship of Anglicans is meeting with 200 delegates of senior clergy and observers. Friend of SOMA, Frog Orr Ewing, described it as ‘already fascinating and moving’. SOMA ND Richard is joining the conference and then staying on for as an invited observer for the GSFA Primates (Archbishops) meeting, as well as a significant UK agency networking event over the weekend. Please pray for God’s grace on all this activity, his provision and his contacts, and for those we leave back home.

Pray especially for SOMA International Chair / Patron Archbishop Justin Badi who gave the keynote address yesterday and is the GSFA Chair, for grace and for truth as he leads the meeting which will impact much of the Anglican Communion.

If you would like to help connect the global church through the work of SOMA UK, get in touch.


Urgent call to prayer


Tanzania mission - amazing blessings