Dean of Down

Revd Henry Blair, SOMA Ireland National Director and a close colleague of us at SOMA UK has become Dean of Down Cathedral and Rector of the LAMP parishes - a collection of 14 churches surrounding the Cathedral.

The Cathedral is officially the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity and known as Down Cathedral. In the grounds is the tomb of Saint Patrick, and a special celtic cross where many have knelt to pray when searching for guidance and calling.

Down Cathedral is described as ‘a place of pilgrimage, prayer and welcome for everyone. As well as being a historical site and popular place to visit, it is primarily a Christian place of prayer and worship.’

With SOMA Ireland’s Henry installed it’s likely to continue to be a place of healing, deliverance and freedom for those in need of a spiritual and physical breakthrough.

The SOMA National Directors from around the world sent their abundant blessings, and it was a joy for Richard Moy to represent some of the SOMA family there at the first service, alongside a recently returned team who had been ministering with Henry in Mityana and Kampala, Uganda.

It was also a great occasion as Stu Wright, leader of META Youth was able to visit and Henry and Stu have discerned that the META Youth should host their summer conference there this August.


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