Shifts at SOMA UK

The SOMA Staff team will be getting a new look from 2025. This autumn

Anita (Finance) and Grace (EA) are both moving on from SOMA. They have each found a job local to where they live, which creates new space for the trustees and National Director to think about how to resource making the SOMA vision into reality.

Henry (missions coordinator) will conținue to partner closely with SOMA UK from his base in SOMA Ireland on our many joint collaborations, including META Youth, SOMA International missions and our Learning Cohorts.

We are excited for all that God has for them in the places he has called them into, but we also ask your prayers for SOMA going forward. We need God’s wisdom to recruit the right people into the right roles, and for discernment to structure the staff team in a way that continues to serve God’s vision for being a community of prayer and equipping our brothers and sisters for mission in their local contexts.

Please especially pray for the Trustees as they meet on 23rd September, for God’s leading, and for Richard to be full of peace as the staff team changes.

If you think you have something to offer to SOMA, why not get in touch?


‘No (revival) tent without the graves’


META Youth return home