Invite a SOMA speaker for 2023

At the start of Advent, Richard Moy, SOMA National Director, visited two churches in Bradford. Over a long weekend he was able to attend five services, speaking at two, giving a testimony at another, and serving tea to homeless guests at a Saturday gathering. It was a tremendous time to engage with long term friends, including a minister who was sent for ordination from the church Richard pioneered in Wolverhampton, friends from New Wine and online forums, and in particular to John Bavington - a former SOMA team member, and Area Dean in Bradford.

John’s church, in Great Horton, has a Sudanese curate, a Nepali worship leader, and Iranian church members. There is also a big outreach opportunity among the Urdu speaking community, as John grew up in Pakistan. The church has been trying to grow their confidence in moving in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the weekend was a great opportunity to encourage the congregations into a deeper experience of the Spirit - Richard spoke on Restoration from Isaiah 61. 

One lay reader, who was tirelessly ministering in five schools in her retirement, commented,

“It was as if the prayers of all the Saints who previously prayed in the building were being heard again, and the company of saints was cheering us on to see that restoration.”

Another church member started to pray in tongues for the first time, after the new curate from Trinity College Bristol felt prompted to encourage people to do so in the response time.

It was great to see the global church at work in Bradford, and to talk about all the possible partnerships with SOMA going forward. Why not arrange for SOMA to visit your church community in the coming year? We’d love to talk about how sharing Scripture, ministry, and stories from the global church could galvanise you in your setting towards the hope and faith God wants to place in you.

Send us a message at to get in touch.


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