I saw angels…

META Youth graduate Risa, after leading worship at her church on Sunday, gave testimony to all she had seen God do in and through her year on META and particularly in Rwanda last summer.

Watch her moving story here of how the programme has impacted her and others, and how the young people were used to bring hope in a church that had been shut down. The started singing the song ‘The Blessing’ and the Lord opened up the heavens to help them see what was going on spiritually… angels at work defeating the enemy. It culminated in a miraculous display of butterflies.

She explains what META is, how the mission works and some of the impact of the youth conference in Rwanda, including the whole conference of young pastors kids responding for prayer ministry until late at night.

Also the perseverance and joy that she encountered in the young people in Rwanda and the impact that that has had on her and her META Youth cohort.

‘I came back learning so much from the Rwandan people, that they are so bold in their faith and so resilient.’


Community of Prayer continues to grow…


Mission in Uganda continued…