A road less travelled
South Sudan
Q: How do you get six people and six large bags into a car and travel on recently rain drenched dirt roads?
A: You just keep loading and you just keep going.
Paul, Becky and Kay from the UK joined William and Ronald and their driver in a 4 by 4 adventure making the journey from Wau to Tong for part 2 of their mission.
This after an eventful week in Wau, where despite rain on the second day causing an early finish the first conference finished with much love expressed. Paul writes: “We have a pile of post-it notes with testimonies and thanks. They are so keen on another team coming! Main theme of their thanks was learning about forgiveness, their calling, managing anger etc. they loved the teaching on Samson”.
On Sunday Paul preached in the cathedral to the Dinka congregation and William in the church to the English one. Then Ronald in the Luo congregation in the cathedral later
The participants were thrilled to receive SOMA certificates which ‘looked great and mean so much to the participants’.
Praying for the team as they head into week two.
Boarding the Episcopal Church of South Sudan vehicle.